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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  December 27, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PST

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a police chase in pasadena ends in a bay area crash. also there are new laws going into effect next year, it is all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning news. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. good morning everybody, it is thursday december 27th, i am brian flores in for dave clark. >> and i am claudine wong in for pam cook, it is nice to have a little bit of a break from that rain. we just have some cloud cover to deal with this morning and we have more that will not interfere with rain showers. we have more up to the north notice there is a chance for a few sprinkles drifting into mendocino county but we have partly cloudy skies and temperatures are warming back up into the mid-50s, here is a
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look at traffic, good morning tara. we don't know what traffic will be like if a lot of folks have the day off or if they are continuing christmas vacation but so far it looks pretty busy and you can see traffic is flowing well as you make your way towards foster city, and that's about it, 5:01 we will head back to the desk. there has been a police shooting in walnut creek. it happened near an elementary school as well as 580. >> we are here in walnut creek, still a very active investigation. >> reporter: you can see there are police cruisers, a lot of police vehicles and the accident incident happened near
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that staggered brick wall you can see there. it happened at 3:00 and police began allowing residents to come and go back into the area here. at this point we have relatively few areas and they have confirmed it was an officer involved shooting. it happened a 3:15 this morning. no word on the nature of the injuries of who was injured. when we arrived on the scene at 4:15 when we arrived it left very slowly without it and this may have been a fatal incident. they have set up a perimeter and they have pushed it back twice to end it compass a -- to encompass a wider area. we have heard an investigative unit has been called on the scene and that's a common occurrence on an officer
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involved shooting. we also heard walnut creek police has been called in and we will continue to investigate the incident and again at this point, to go over the details, we are hearing this was an officer involved shooting and we are not clear on who was injured and we are looking for more details from walnut creek police. for now christian captain ktvu channel 2 morning news. in overnight news, a man is shot in san jose overnight. police found the victim at 8:40 last night. he was taken to the hospital and is expected to survive. the shooting does appear to be gang related and no arrests have been made. paint page is looking -- pg&e is looking for a natural gas leak. crews dug up an area this morning. they found a league in a two inch gas main.
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they evacuated two homes and told others to shelter in place. we have a reporter in brentwood and we will bring you a live report soon. a police chase ends in a crash which killed another person, two people in the second vehicle were killed including the peninsular child, and three people in the mini- van suffered injuries. they are trying to see if the others were connected with a gang shooting in which a stray bullet was found in connection with a shooting. airlines have canceled hundreds of flights and dozens to the east coast have been grounded. there is more rain expected in
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the bay area on friday and local delays could continue in the new year. dusty snow is causing visibility problems and there are dozens of tornadoes in the south. the storm is blamed for six deaths motorcyclistly -- mostly traffic accidents. state water officials say the water content is 146% of normal. that snow pack is for industries in california. president barack obama is currently on air force 1 flying back to washington. he has important information regarding the economic deadline and more on how we are closing in on another financial barrier which is the debt ceiling.
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new california laws go into effect for the new year's. here is more on what drivers need to knowment. >> reporter: starting on january 1st you will be able to send and receive text if you have a hands free device that is powered by your voice. and they will be able to tell all underaged passenger that drinking is illegal and if alcohol is being transported, a person 25 years old must be on board to make sure they don't drink. the most recent party bus incident, a woman was killed when she fell out of a party bus when there was drinking involved. and they allowed cars with clean air vehicle stickers to
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be able to use high occupancy toll lanes even if there is just one person in the car. coming up later, a couple of new laws include if you are driving what sort of proof do you need to show to police if they pull to you over. janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 morning news. -- if they pull you over janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 morning news. we have an accident 580 westbound and it apparently has gotten worse and needs to be fixed right away. do expect construction crews out there today. right now we are looking at the bay point pittsburgh area and it is looking good as you make your way towards concord. highway 24 this is at the 680
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split, traffic is looking good in all directions here. 237, this is near milpitas, and a you make the drive towards sunny veil, no delays, let's check in with mark. we are checking in and we are trying to track all those fast moving rain showers. there is a little activity up towards cape mendocino and there is a chance of a few sprinkles up towards mendocino county. we have a few clouds in napa, san jose 42 and upper 40s at 48. this morning mostly cloudy skies, upper 40s this afternoon, partly cloudy skies in the low-to-mid 50s. we'll see a big batch of clouds and we have a dry weather forecast for your thursday and there is a weak system approaching and this will be
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generating a few extra clouds and that chance will linger into saturday morning and probably the early portion of your saturday appears to be dry. we are talking about 50s out towards santa rosa and san jose is warming up to 54 degrees and these temperatures will check in at 3:00 this afternoon. here with your weekend always in view, a very weak system has been moving through a lot with those strong storms. they still could add and sunday will be dry, some patchy morning fog, we head into new year's eve and we will have a long range forecast for your neck five to seven days. we will let you know if you have to be extra careful at the
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shoreline as you head into your friday. do you think the bay area parking is expensive. and we have the conditions of george hw bush and we will have the complication cakes he has -- complications he has endured over the last few months. we have some road construction on our roads, we will have more on the commute coming up.
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. a candle light vigil was held for the firefighters shot to death on monday. dozens turned out in the community of webster new york. the suspect set his house on fire and started shooting at random before committing suicide. two others are in the hospital in saturday frack tri-- satisfactory condition. a family spokesperson said the 88-year-old former president is surrounded by his family. bush was moved to intensive care on sunday. he has been in the hospital for a while for complications related to bronchitis. >> aide few low energy days and things started to snowball from
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there. >> mr. bush is now on a liquids own diet. his children have all been frequent visitors at the hospital. they are making their way back to washington d.c. for fiscal negotiations. carla campbell has more on the deadline. >> reporter: timtim geithner says has of now they will reach their debt ceiling on monday and they have to make an accounting move so they will not hit the ceiling. they are warning he will have to take extraordinary measures, including once that affect retirement accounts. there have been fiscal negotiations but there has been no movement. today there could be and the president gets back from hawaii
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and we are expecting an earful from the senate when they get back to work in less than two hours. channel 2 news. well a worker has died from a construction accident. the tragic incident happened at 40 edge hill way at twin peeks. the man's identity has not been released. it must pass more scrutiny before it can return online. it is due to excessive wear on generator tubes. they are asking for more analysis on whether the tubes can handle full power. environmental groups say they are pleased the government
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regulators are something for questions. they have heard from several concerned people regarding areas invested with bedbugs. but the library said they never had a bedbug infestation but they plan to handle it if it happens. coming up, a usc professor said increase being the numbers could help combat the numbers. the windy city will soon have the most expensive parking meters starting on new year's day. they will be charging $6.50 per hour. let's head back out to tara to see how this commute is going this thursday, hello
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tara. it just wrapped up and all lanes are open now. we have a stalled car and it is blocked on 880 westbound and we also have north and southbound lanes affected at the 380 split here due to come to some construction. >> 680 at the sunole grade in fremont is also looking good. here is mark. we are starting off with dry weather and we will have a quik check on rainfall statistics. you can see it since over 2215s of rain and san jose, it is well above normal obviously
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across the entire bay area and remember last time this year we were below normal and it is nice to see how we are dry and that's the key across the region. a few showers are up to the north and current temperatures are off to a cool start but not extremely cool. 39 degrees and san jose checking in at 42. and checking in at 48 degrees. here is the weather system basically to the north and to the west, but a big batch of high clouds and we will take this into your friday and the next system approaches and we will thicken up the cloud cover and there is a few chances of saturday morning early and i should also mention this will increase our surf, this will be approaching 15,000 feet and
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high surf advisory for your afternoon. we have thickenped up the bulk of your activity right on through saturday morning pulling back on the coverage into a saturday afternoon. mainly in the 50s for the afternoon highs, tomorrow there is a chance of a shower saturday morning. coming up, we will look at the forecast coming up in a few minutes. forecasting sales of 10 million vehicles next year and they are expects to go next year. it would put it ahead of general motors and it would be ahead of last year where suppliers were hurt by the tsunami and disaster. it is closed up and that's their highest level since the quake. they are optimist being and
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this is due to worries of the fiscal cliff. markets are moving in a very narrow range after the christmas holiday. let's look at how it changed, nasdaq 22 points, s&p 500, just 6 points and stock futures are said to open flat and that's because of the fiscal cliff. we know the president is headed to washington d.c. and straighters are feel bad about a lack of a deal. >> see which players were picked for the 2000 proball roster. >> and speaking out in abuse the reaction to the once so called secret files. good morning! wow.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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. authorities ordered the evacuation since the volcano started spewing ash. a santa cruz man died after climbing after suffering a heart attack and died while climbing the volcano on saturday. it has an elevation of 500,000 feet. he was a globe ball expert on teen sexual health. more information on the
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release of 1200 sexual abuse files disclosing allegations. we have uncovered 88 cases in this area. we have 88 dots and it is in this area from santa cruz to fort brag. a judge ordered the scouts to hand over the document and we did speak with one of the victims, when he came he brought the boy skott scout uniform when wees 12. he said the scout master molested him in 1982 and 1983. >> he had a lot of charisma, things you would look up to when you are like a young 11 and 12-year-old boy. it is a terrible feeling but i would say it is not really
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ashame full thing, it is more like embarrassment. >> he served 8 years in prison on molestation charges. we did contact the boy scouts of america, we did a poll guys and their response to certain cases were insufficient or wrong. the professor said sea otters eat sea animals and more kelp capture slow global warming. if enough kelp grows it could help cool the planet. names will help and justin smith e-deshawn gold son were
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chosen, 8 other 49ers were selected as alternates. others were shutout. let's go back to tara for sal. >> it looks good, a lot of construction seems to be wrapping up but that's the good news and if we take a look outside, this is 280 at the 880 split in all directions here. traffic is also looking good south pound as you make your way over to i-25. we do get a break in the rainfall and at least right now we have a break with cloudy skies paying us a visit. we have some cloud cover with a chance of a few spotty light showers are here this morning. we have upper 0s to the upper 40s and in the afternoon skies
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becoming partly cloudy skies in the lower low-to-mid -- low-to- mid 50s. it appears at this point, most of your weekend should be dry. then beyond monday we could be tracking a few rain showers into next week so good news is that department. >> shoppers ran frantically for the exits, take a look at this, why people thought they heard gunshots.
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. welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news, i am brian flores. >> i am claudine wong in for pam cook. let's see how the weather is. today we get a break with some cloud cover but most areas are in the 40s and right now on the radar, a few sprinkles are she can up to the north. many sprinkles approaching ukiah but skies are becoming partly cloudy into the afternoon hours and temperatures are in the low-to- mid 5 ross. here is a look at the east
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shore freeway, a lot of folks are on the west side bound. and 280 near san jose traffic near bay street is looking pretty good, let's head back to the desk. we continue with breaking news, an officer opened fire in walnut creek around 3:00 a.m. this morning. there are still more map a dozen cruisers from the contra costa sheriff's office. they are tight-lipped about the shooting so far. there is no would on who was shot and the shooting happened inside the apartment building. christian captain has been there since 4:30. >> page is trying to knicks a natural gas leak. -- trying to fix a natural gas leak. here is more where the street has been shut down.
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alex? >> reporter: they tried to figure out where the leak was coming from and the crews here were able to isolate the problem and where it is, it is where that gentleman is underground working and it's a two much compass line. at this point they are running a bypass but the people who live in these view homesment everything began last night when neighbors reported the smell of gas and one neighbor came home to fine the whole street blocked with police. >> there was a fire truck with debris and there was the whole street filled with gas. that is how we found out about it amount live on brentwood,
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this is all brook drive and crews had to dig up a little bit of the sidewalk and what hey -- there is quite a bit of repair work that could stretch into the afternoon. people could remain evacuated until later on. alex savage in brentwood, ktvu channel 2 morning news. they are trying to figure out what happened, a ford mustang prod sided a car. the two people in the must stage were not -- mustang were not hurt and two other people died at the scene. ktvu channel 2 morning news, a janine de la vega tells us about some of those changes
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and some will be able to show proof. now another new law that goes into effect involving cell phones makes it legal to now sent and receive text messages with hands free devices that are powered with voice operated software and here is another new law, if you are driving with a clear dry vehicle, now here is an interesting law, self driving cars will be allowed on public roads as long as a licensed driver is in the driver's seat. that law was outed pie saying, they could help and those cards
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-- those cars are cars that could help people with disabilities and those who are too young to drive. reporting live from san jose, jeanine janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> they wrapped a mall shooting in sack -- reported a mall shooting in sacramento. people started running for the exits after a fistfight got out of control. store employees and shoppers were trying to figure out what what they were hearing. >> something similar to gunshots, but it sounded like shots. >> it was terrifying. scary quest moment of my life. >> police say they found no evidence of shootings. four people involved in the brawl were arrested. toyota will reportedly pay
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money to settle several law suits. they recovered more than 14,000 vehicle from around the world plunged. the judge still needs approval. yesterday's heavy rain left pools of water on the roadway closing parts of the southbound lanes and there is still no estimated time as to when it will reopen. levee failed during heavy rains on sunday and seven homes were damaged by the flooding and long time repairs are set to begin next year. driving in the sierra has not been easy lately, snow and heavy travelers jamped up everything.
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we will analyze and tell you what road conditions you can expect and that is 5:45. tara how is it being looking out there? we do have a couple of accidents to report, 580 at the 680 split this is in the livermore area we have a big- rig versus a car and it does not look like it is causing any delays. we will head outside and look at the bay pittsburgh area as you make your way to concord and on to 680. we are wondering if those metering lights will be going on this morning. a lot more folks are out there so we will keep our fingers crossed. and west pound as you make the drive towards daily city here is mark. you can see the wider
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perspective on the radar, a little bit of snow activity in cape mendocino and we could have a few sprinkles approaching mendocino county. it is trailly in san francisco, half-moon bay checked in at 51 degrees at last check. in the afternoon skies are becoming partly cloudy low-to- mid 50s. another system developing off to the east could be back in our forecast for tomorrow but today just a batch of high clouds and we showed you the overcast. temperatures are mainly in the low-to-mid 50s and san mateo 53
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degrees. here with your weekend always in view, there is a chance of a few light showers, that is for friday and that could linger. so most of your weekend should be dry and as we do wrap up 2012, we will look at tahoe forecast with some changeup in the sierra. question from new town connecticut and they will try to show their support. they are not happy and what they are asking of local officials. 101 is looking good and we will look at some incidents in the east bay coming up. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible.
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. cool morning temperatures are off to a cool start, coming up, we will take a look at the afternoon in just a few minutes. 5:41 here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are following. contra costa sheriff's remain at the scene of an officer involved shooting. it happened at an apartment building on interstate 680 and there is no word on the officers who opened fire. president barack obama arrives for high level talks on the fiscal cliff. he will cut his trip short in hopes of negotiating a deal with republicans. and pg&e is returning gas service to a brentwood neighborhood and others are under water to shelter in
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place. business owners are trying to put a top to it. now fruitville avenue they are smashing windows destroying decorations and the latest incident happened. that area has been the center of reason crimes and they are asking city leaders for more protection. they are looking at three shoplifting suspects. the three women went into two source stores on scald -- two stores on california streets and they put some merchandise into their bags and walked out of the stores. they have been arrested but they are still looking for more information on the suspects. they refused to bring medical coverage to include
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morning after conception. sonia judge sonia sotomayor was looking whether to violate their faith and said the challenge could be heard in a lower court. doctors are still keeping a close eye on nelson mandela. he was treated for a lung infection and had gallon stone surgery. -- gaulston surgery. shafts has been the lieutenant governor and was one of three candidates considered for the job. he had served hawaii since it became a state in 1959. they are asking well wishers to hold off gifts to
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the grieve stricken community. tens of thousands of toys have been pouring into the community from all over the world. officials are deeply grateful but they can't manage so many items. once they process all the gifts they will let the public know the best ways to help those affected by the shooting. holiday sales have been disappointing but they are hoping to bring in more customers. deep discounts have given them just a couple of reasons why now is the time to spend it on themselves. they have a store and he said his business was slow until the final days before christmas. >> we did have good traffic but at the end of the day did not add up to that much, they were kind of looking and we were puzzled. >> many shoppers lost the holiday spirit after the super
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storm and the shooting in newtown connecticut. there is plenty of snow on the ground and we want to give you a live look at interstate 880 and you can see one car making their way through. you can actually see the way through and it is however still below freezing and there is a slight chance of flurries so things can still be slick, however there are no chain restrictions or winter storm warnings right now. interstate 880 should also be a little less crowded today. it stretched 10 miles at times eastbound and westbound. while the snow was manageable there was an's enormous amount -- an enormous amount of cars and trucks. december 21l1stl0 and 25th, 170,000 people were arrested for duil1sl0 compared to 980 in 2011.
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police set up a series of sobriety checkpoints in hopes of curbing dui drivers. here is more in the east bay, tara? that is right, we have a two car crash and it looks like an injury accident and we are waiting for more information. right now we are going to look at incidents which happened in the livermore area. 580 and 680 and just another heavy traffic area at 80 westbound at university avenue and also the incident that christian captain is at, the officer involved shooting, this is creek side drive near main street and there is a street closure there due to that
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police activity. traffic is flowing well into san francisco and 280 at the 880 split, those headlights are coming through as you make your way towards santa clara. and dry weather forecast, as you can see the latest on live storm tracker radar, in fact the sierra is dry and a few light showers are moving along cape mendocino. there is a slight chance of an isolated shower this morning and maybe some more snow as we head into saturday. afternoon temperatures tomorrow, cold right around 4 degrees by this time tomorrow. current numbers, fairfield checking in 49 and san jose 43 degrees. here is a satellite perspective, a big blanket of clouds are covering the area and there is another system
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approaching our coastline as we head into friday so with that definitely a cloud producer and we will introduce the chance of scattered showers on friday. it entered early saturday morning and in fact we have some clouds this morning. it is gradually spinning out and here we go friday. lots of clouds cover out there. this particular forecast model will be keeping it offshore and close enough for early saturday morning by 8:00 and skies are partly cloudy for the afternoon hours. it will be partly cloudy for the afternoon and temperatures are mainly in the low-to-mid 50s. antioch is right around 50 degrees. for your friday, we bring in a chance of scattered rain
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showers across the region and there is a chance primarily in the early mornings after 8 or 9:00, the weather will begin to improve. they wrap up 2012, increasing clouds and maybe some shower chances but we will keep an eye on that during the 6:00 hour. well a few minutes ago, they reported a better than expected report on the number of the job less claims. they reported first time unemployment benefits and that's down from 12,000 from the week before. most economists expected it to stay deadty -- steady since government offices were closed monday and tuesday. and on, they do best among those shoppers, for all eight years of the survey, part of it is a wide variety of
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merchandise it suffers. and in consumer satisfaction, flash sale sites and they have earned some of the lower scores. our investors are almost 4% yesterday and lists say it was related to that net flicks outage. amazon still can't explain what caused that problem. mother nature caught in the act. and download the ktvu app and you can watch all of our newscasts live on our smart phone so you can be connected any time anywhere, stay with us. look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy
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u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud.
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we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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. well, we are getting an up close look at the 34 twisters, check out this surveillance video from mobile alabama on tuesday which shows you the furry of one of those tornadoes. hundreds of thousands are still
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without electricity freezing temperatures are complicating -- are complicating efforts. the roadway has been closed since sunday and is taking many drivers by surprise. it is happening at noon an 4:00 p.m. to let traffic through there, no word on when it will be open. he allegedly went into the store late tuesday night put a winning ticket on the counter, filled his pockets with merchandise. the man is described as african- american and 170 pounds. police say 18 people have been killed in the city which is down from 45 three years ago. some people credit police and community effort to stop violence after the city declared a state of emergency
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back in 2005. some credit police officers with building relationships with young people. >> instead of lock them up, hook them up and is there another program where we can redirect these young menace opposed to giving them criminal records. >> the department says better street lights, surveillance cameras and shot spotters have also helped. there is a claim of a facebook privacy breach involving the sister of mark zuckerberg. she posted a family photo but somebody saw it and put it on twitter thinking it was a public photo. she lashed out and thought it was public because it was on the twitter news feed. and she thought it was public
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because mark zuckerberg's sister was tagged in the photo. we take a live look outside and we can see 280 looking at 880 split and that traffic northbound is looking good as you move towards santa clara. and traffic is flowing pretty nicely on the sunole grade, let's go back to the desk. an officer involved shooting in walnut creek, we will tell you what we have learned in the past 30 minutes. and we have more on the gas leak, why the problems are far from over, we will explain. remember yesterday at this time we were tracking rain showers, that is not the case for today, we will let you know what is coming up in our five- day forecast.
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